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ATM boundary conditions - output

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:46 am
by Domenico_DS
Dear Code_Bright Community,

I'm using atmospheric boundary conditions and I have some troubles with the output file and with the net radiation.
I'm using measured data as input (radiation type = 3).
According to the user's guide, the following variables should be shown in the output file at a given node:
t+dt, P, E, jwg, jwl, jw, ja, Rn, Hs, Hc, je (11 columns).
Unfortunately, in the output file there are 13 columns. The 13th column seems to be the given measured radiation.
If rad type=3, the 12th column is the same as the 8th column, that should be net radiation.
Unfortunately the net radiation (8th column) is completely different from measured data!
Why is the net radiaton different from measured data if rad type=3?

Thank you,