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Postprocess - error

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:18 pm
by spt

I'm trying to model a geotechnical situation in Code_Bright. When the processor finishes the calculate, appears an error "EOF too early in line 6".

More, when I'm trying to see the results in View Resuts Box, in option Analisys, only appears "TIME RESULTS" and I can't see the graphs and the variables as displacements and liquid pressure.

I would like to know how to resolve the error and how I can see the results.


Re: Postprocess - error

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 9:46 am
by escolano
It seems that the GiD results file written by Code_Bright is truncated.
Maybe Code_Bright has crashed without finish the simulation.
A possible cause could be something wrong in its input file?

Whitout see the files of your example I am unable to guess more.

Re: Postprocess - error

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:45 am
by spt
I'm sending you the file.

The file consists on simulate a layer of sand, with a uniform load and the groundwater level to 5 meters.

Thanks for your help!

Re: Postprocess - error

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:28 am
by escolano
The results files created for GiD postprocess are : : a mesh that could be different of the preproces mesh (else this file is unnecessary) must contain the results, but only contain the defintion of gauss points location and any result.

The solver is not able to calculate your case, it seems that convergence is not achieved.

some calculation files, not related to GiD could show something related with the problem
fort.999 -> 200 200 0.448888167522943 Does not converge with R

and Aterrao_versao_gen.out has more information
Time increment will be reduced to: 0.180E+03
due to problems with mechanical model

Probably you have used a too big time increment.
In any case the problem is not related to GiD. You must ask this question in the 'Code_bright' specific sub-forum.