[GiDlist] Pick button in bondary condition box

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Jose Carlos

[GiDlist] Pick button in bondary condition box

Post by Jose Carlos »

Dear GID Team,

I am developing a problem type to work with thermal-mechanics problems.

In my models, I need a boundary condition that uses some point's coordinates: x, y and z. So, my problem is:

I need put a "pick" button in a boundary condition window in GID. When I'll click in this button, it give me the coordinates x, y and z of the point clicked, just like occurs in the "copy" and "move" GID's windows.

Is it possible? I need information about the CND and BAS files to make it.

If it is possible only using TCL, how do I do it?

Thanks a lot for the attention.

José Carlos.

José Carlos Lopes Ribeiro, M. Sc.
Doctor in Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering
Federal University of Minas Gerais
BH - MG - Brazil

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[GiDlist] Pick button in bondary condition box

Post by escolano »

It not exists in our *.cnd file a "coordinates" field (to show a pick point button)
Maybe for future versions can add this feature as standard.

At this moment only is possible using Tcl/Tk. They are two options:
a) - Completly write your own alternative "conditions window" (can see the Tdyn problemtype as a sample)
b) - Change the central part of our window: read this paper, about "Tkwidget" of the last GiD Conference: http://www.gidhome.com/2004/papers/p236.pdf (can se the Ramseries problemtype as a sample)

can also use this two Tcl procedures (defined inside scripts/dev_kit.tcl)
proc GidUtils::GetCoordinates { { WarnLineMsg "" } { JoinNoJoin "Join" } }
# returns the coordinates x y z Or null selecting from the screen
# GidPriv(selcoord,id) store the point id (-1 nothing selected, 0 new point, 0 point id)
# to get the number of a existent point, cal also use PickEntities
# JoinNoJoin can be "Join" or "NoJoin"

proc GidUtils::PickEntities { type selectmode }
# type can be "Points" "Lines" "Surfaces" "Volumes" "Dimensions" "AllTypes" "Nodes" or "Elements"
# selectmode can be "single" or "multiple"
# for AllTypes selection returns some as
# Points 19 23 Lines 28:29 32:33 37 Surfaces 1 6 21:22 Volumes 1 Dimension 1:2
# or for mesh entities some as Nodes 236 244 Elements 4122 4130 4152 4165

In othe hand, I recommend to use 3 separated *cnd standard fields for x, y, z values,
and expect this new feature appear in next beta versions.

Enrique Escolano
----- Original Message -----
From: Jose Carlos
To: gidlist
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 12:53 AM
Subject: [GiDlist] Pick button in bondary condition box

Dear GID Team,

I am developing a problem type to work with thermal-mechanics problems.

In my models, I need a boundary condition that uses some point's coordinates: x, y and z. So, my problem is:

I need put a "pick" button in a boundary condition window in GID. When I'll click in this button, it give me the coordinates x, y and z of the point clicked, just like occurs in the "copy" and "move" GID's windows.

Is it possible? I need information about the CND and BAS files to make it.

If it is possible only using TCL, how do I do it?

Thanks a lot for the attention.

José Carlos.

José Carlos Lopes Ribeiro, M. Sc.
Doctor in Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering
Federal University of Minas Gerais
BH - MG - Brazil
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