Different type of mesh in one problem

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Different type of mesh in one problem

Post by Agorar »

Good day,

I am working on fluid structure interaction on cases in which for example the solid will have a mesh composed of quadrilaterals and the solid a mesh composed of triangles.

1) Is it possible to mesh differently different surfaces or solids in GID? From what i have seen it is possible to import a mesh but this would mean creating first the solid, then creating the fluid and afterwards importing the solid into it (or the other way around). Is there a faster way to create different domains?

2) I am not generally interested in having connectivities between this two meshes, if what I ask above is possible, is it possible to impose no connectivities between meshes?

Thank you in advance for your reply!
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Re: Different type of mesh in one problem

Post by escolano »

- Yes, you can assign to create different element types to each geometric entity,
Mesh->Element type->Quadrilateral
and select the surfaces you want with quads

By default surfaces are meshes with triangles (and volumes with tetrahedra).
It is not necessary to assign Mesh->Element type->Triangle to the other surfaces

- The normal way to work with GiD is create a geometry, assign all properties and generate a mesh.
Importing a mesh is unusual, and could be difficult to assign its properties.

2) You can share the same line between surfaces (surfaces beteween volumes in a 3D case) or create a different line for each surface. If the entity is shared, then nodes are shared. If entities are different then nodes are different, and could be set in different positions (e.g. apply different mesh sizes to each surface)

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