Highlighting entities in GiD

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Highlighting entities in GiD

Post by mlucio »


I have a double question concerning GiD pre-pro.


Let's say I have a surface which is "linked" (i.e. is somehow related) to some lines not necessarily belonging to the surface. I would like to develop a tool that allows to highlight the lines linked to the surface when clicking on the surface itself.
As a nice-to-have, I would also like to have the selected surface being highlighted, in a different way (for instance by being "filled" with some color different from the one used to highlight lines).

For the moment, I can select the surface by clicking on it and retrieve all the information I need. In particular, I end up with the identifing numbers of the lines which are linked to the surface. To do that, I developed a specific tool accessed via a customized menu.
That was the easy part. Now, I would like to highlight the lines corresponding to these numbers.

Of course, I would also need the lines (and the surface) to be un-highlighted when escaping the selection tool (typically, by pressing the 'esc' key).

Do you have any idea/suggestion on the way I could accomplish that?


As a first try, I simply tried to redraw those lines by using "GiD_openGL" commands but nothing is drawn. I post my code hereafter. Could you tell me what is wrong with it?

Thank you very much in advance.



foreach ln $lignes_char {
# --- Retrieving the coordinates of the points defining line 'ln' ---
set infoLine [GiD_Info list_entities lines $ln]
set indexPts [lsearch $infoLine "Points:"]

set pt1 [lindex $infoLine [expr $indexPts+1]]
set pt2 [lindex $infoLine [expr $indexPts+2]]

set infoPt1 [GiD_Info list_entities points $pt1]
set infoPt2 [GiD_Info list_entities points $pt2]

set indexCoord1 [lsearch $infoPt1 "Coord:"]
set xr1 [lindex $infoPt1 [expr $indexCoord1+1]]
set yr1 [lindex $infoPt1 [expr $indexCoord1+2]]
set zr1 [lindex $infoPt1 [expr $indexCoord1+3]]

set indexCoord2 [lsearch $infoPt2 "Coord:"]
set xr2 [lindex $infoPt2 [expr $indexCoord1+1]]
set yr2 [lindex $infoPt2 [expr $indexCoord1+2]]
set zr2 [lindex $infoPt2 [expr $indexCoord1+3]]
# ---

# --- Retrieving screen coordinates from 'world' coordinates ---
set vec1 [GiD_OpenGL project "$xr1 $xr2 $xr3"]
set vec2 [GiD_OpenGL project "$xr2 $yr2 $zr2"]

set x1 [lindex $vec1 0]
set y1 [lindex $vec1 1]
set z1 [lindex $vec1 2]

set x2 [lindex $vec2 0]
set y2 [lindex $vec2 1]
set z2 [lindex $vec2 2]
# ---

# --- Draw a red line connecting the two points (does not work) ---
GiD_OpenGL draw -begin lines
GiD_OpenGL draw -vertex [list $x1 $y1 $z1]
GiD_OpenGL draw -vertex [list $x2 $y2 $z2]
GiD_OpenGL draw -color [list 1.000 0.000 0.000]
GiD_OpenGL draw -linewidth 1.0
GiD_OpenGL draw -end
# ---
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Re: Highlighting entities in GiD

Post by escolano »

A simple way could be
set line_ids {1 5}
GiD_Process 'View SelectEntities Lines {*]$line_ids

then the line 1 and 5 will be selected and highlight in red until a 'Escape' word is processed

It is also possible to do the approach 2, and draw with a procedure that use GiD_OpenGL commands
but you must register the procedure that do this draw to be called each redraw
Note: "GiD_OpenGL drawentity" facilitate draw an existing GiD entity

proc YourDrawProcedure { } {
#... your drawn code...
drawopengl draw -color {0.0 1.0 0.0} ;#green
GiD_OpenGL drawentity line {1 5}

set register_id [GiD_OpenGL register YourDrawProcedure]

(and after unregister $register_id to finish this draw)
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Re: Highlighting entities in GiD

Post by mlucio »

Dear Escolano,

thank you very much for your answer! :)

What you suggested for approach "1" worked! However, I may have oversimplified my question a little bit. Actually, there are also points and surfaces which can be linked to the selected surface. When doing what you suggest I have the impression that only the entities concerned by the first "View" call are highlighted. Is it possible to make multiple "View" calls (and without un-highlighting 'previous' entities)? For instance, something like:

GiD_Process View SelectEntities Points {*}$pts
GiD_Process View SelectEntities Lines {*}$lns
GiD_Process View SelectEntities Surfaces {*}$surfs


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Re: Highlighting entities in GiD

Post by escolano »

To select multiple entity types must use the keyword AllTypes

Code: Select all

GiD_Process 'View SelectEntities AllTypes Points {*}$pts Lines {*}$lns Surfaces {*}$surfs
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Re: Highlighting entities in GiD

Post by mlucio »

Thank you very much! :)

Just a last question (maybe)...

Here is the code I wrote:

GiD_Process MEscape SelectEntities justone Surfaces
vwait ::GidPriv(selection)
set selection [eval lrange $::GidPriv(selection) 1 end]

set info [GiD_Info list_entities surfaces $selection]

set indexNumEntity [lsearch $info "Num:"]
set numEntity [lindex $info [expr $indexNumEntity+1]]

set indexGeo [lsearch $info "material:"]
set geo [lindex $info [expr $indexGeo+1]]

set geoName [lindex [.central.s info materials] [expr $geo-1]]
set infoGeo [GiD_Info materials $geoName]

set indexTypGeo [lsearch $infoGeo "type_de_section"]
set typGeo [lindex $infoGeo [expr $indexTypGeo+1]]

set index_points_c [lsearch $infoGeo "points_c"]
set index_lignes_c [lsearch $infoGeo "lignes_c"]
set index_surfaces_c [lsearch $infoGeo "surfaces_c"]

set points_c [lindex $infoGeo [expr $index_points_c+1]]
set lignes_c [lindex $infoGeo [expr $index_lignes_c+1]]
set surf_c [lindex $infoGeo [expr $index_surfaces_c+1]]

GiD_Process View SelectEntities AllTypes Points {*}$points_c Lines {*}$lignes_c Surfaces {*}$surf_c

This works as expected, i.e. I select a surface --> I get the related entities highlighted --> I press esc --> I escape the selection tool. It would be interesting, however, that I could continue selecting entities (and seing related entities, of course) before I decide to "fully" escape. Otherwise, I have to re-enter the selection tool everytime I want information on a new entity. In meta-programming, what I'm looking for is something like:

while (not user escape)

GiD_Process MEscape SelectEntities justone Surfaces
vwait ::GidPriv(selection)
set selection [eval lrange $::GidPriv(selection) 1 end]

set info [GiD_Info list_entities surfaces $selection]

set indexNumEntity [lsearch $info "Num:"]
set numEntity [lindex $info [expr $indexNumEntity+1]]

set indexGeo [lsearch $info "material:"]
set geo [lindex $info [expr $indexGeo+1]]

set geoName [lindex [.central.s info materials] [expr $geo-1]]
set infoGeo [GiD_Info materials $geoName]

set indexTypGeo [lsearch $infoGeo "type_de_section"]
set typGeo [lindex $infoGeo [expr $indexTypGeo+1]]

set index_points_c [lsearch $infoGeo "points_c"]
set index_lignes_c [lsearch $infoGeo "lignes_c"]
set index_surfaces_c [lsearch $infoGeo "surfaces_c"]

set points_c [lindex $infoGeo [expr $index_points_c+1]]
set lignes_c [lindex $infoGeo [expr $index_lignes_c+1]]
set surf_c [lindex $infoGeo [expr $index_surfaces_c+1]]

GiD_Process View SelectEntities AllTypes Points {*}$points_c Lines {*}$lignes_c Surfaces {*}$surf_c

end while

Is it possible to achieve something like this, or similar? Thank you in advance for your precious help!

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