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Some suggestions for improvements

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:14 pm
by vpapanik
Having worked on a large and demanding moment lately, I'd like to suggest some possible improvements for the upcoming versions.

1) when you rename a material/element, it would be helpful to prompt the existing name in the edit box. The same could apply when copying (new) an existing material/element adding the suffix '-copy'. This is necessary because there is no way to copy/paste text from the window.

2) when displaying all materials, invisible layers/groups should be respected, instead of showing all elements.

3) color legend should show all entries, not grouping entry 15 and up to 'Other' with the same color. Multiple columns can be shown if necessary.

Re: Some suggestions for improvements

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:40 pm
by escolano
Thanks for your suggestions,
We will study them in detail and implement if possible

about 3) probably the drawing way of materials must be enhanced, but in general it is not possible afford represent all possible values, they could be thousands or much more in some cases.

Re: Some suggestions for improvements

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:16 am
by vpapanik
You are right, its not possible for everything, but for materials it is essential, as well as respecting different groups (not only layers).
Thanks a very lot for your consideration !