[GiDlist] Thanks for the suggestion

Moderator: GiD Team

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Andrea Calaon

[GiDlist] Thanks for the suggestion

Post by Andrea Calaon »

Hi GiD Team,
thanks for the suggestion about how to use the condition "Contour_Line".

I now assign automatically a material to each surface with the following codes:

In the .mat file:
NUMBER: 4 MATERIAL: Fictitious
QUESTION: NoQuestion
TKWIDGET: MaterialWidget::Control Surfaces "NoQuestion real+"

In the .tcl problemtype file:
proc SetFictsMats { } {
for { set i 1 } { $i = [NumSurfaces] } { incr i } {
set MatName "Fictitious$i"
.central.s process escape escape escape escape \
.central.s processdata materials newmaterial Fictitious $MatName 1 escape
.central.s process data mat assign $MatName Surfaces $i escape

and SetFictsMats gets executed before auto applying the "Contour_Line" condition.

Everything works fine. In the next GiD release I'll avoid the procedure.

Kind Regards

Andrea Calaon

Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
Southampton, Hampshire
SO40 7AA, UK
Tel. office: +44 23 80 293 223
Fax office: +44 23 80 292 853
Mobile: +44 7766 488 225
E-mail: andrea at beasy.com
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